Saturday, October 6, 2007

More Blogs!

I've been spending the weekend at the fabulous 1st Annual Kidlitosphere Conference in Chicago. I've meet incredible people, all interested in children's literature. I also discovered their wonderful children's and young adult literature blogs and their fabulous book reviews. I've added a huge number of new blogs to the links list on the right hand side of this blog. Check them out!

The best part (besides meeting all the wonderful people, of course) was that just about EVERYONE had finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I could talk about it to my heart's content. And everyone was talking about children's books. And I even got a comic strip discussion going at one point. Pure bliss to talk with such wonderful people.

Also, I learned an incredible amount about the kidlit blogging community and the etiquette and ethics. And, since half the attendees were authors, I got to hear their perspective, which was terrific.

Update: For more about the Kidlitosphere Conference (which was awesome), check out any kidlit blog, because everyone has a post about it! For more specifics, there's a great round-up on Kelly Herold's blog Big A little a.


  1. Great talking with you - about W&M and more.

  2. Great sharing breakfast and a plane ride with you. I finished Leepike Ridge on the plane, and then wished I had another book when we sat there on the tarmac so long! Motto: always carry one more book.

  3. Great spending time with you too, Sara! I had a huge stack of articles with me on the plane to read for grad school, so I wasn't at a loss for reading material... but it wasn't particularly exciting. I'd rather have had Leepike Ridge.

  4. Hey, Susan. Just wanted to say it was nice getting to meet you. If the weekend had been a week, maybe we all could've actually spoken a little more! Ah well, there's always next year....
