It’s been such a pleasure writing this blog. When I started in 2007, I wasn’t sure who exactly I was writing to, except that I had lots of things I wanted to say. I have been stunned at how many of you have tuned in to listen.
I’ve learned a lot over the years and hopefully this blog has reflected it. The most amazing part of the journey has been the friendships I’ve developed with readers and others in the blogging community.
I’m not going away completely, just moving to a new author website and a new blog over there. I’m going to leave Wizards Wireless online for the time being if you want to read the old posts.
Thanks for joining me for the last 12 years and I hope to see you again soon.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
2017 ALA Youth Media Awards news stories
Here are some exciting news
stories from yesterday’s American Library Association’s Youth Media Awards. The
full press release and award list can be found here.
Award sweep
March 3 won FOUR awards. That means that four separate committees in four separate rooms, across multiple ALA divisions (YALSA, ALSC and EMIERT) and multiple age group requirements all came to the same conclusion that March 3 was the very best of all their eligible books. Not one of the four committees gave it an honor; all four gave it their top prize. Unbelievable. And, don’t forget, March 3 also won the National Book Award. Truly, an unprecedented sweep.
Caldecott Hat Trick
The 2015 Caldecott Medal went to Beekle, published by Little, Brown.
The 2016 Caldecott Medal went to Finding Winnie, published by Little, Brown.
The 2017 Caldecott Medal went to Radiant Child, published by Little, Brown.
Sensing a pattern? It is a very big deal for a publisher to win the Caldecott Medal. To do it two years in a row is unbelievable. To do it three years in a row is mind-boggling. Truly Little, Brown has upped the ante.
Graphic Novels
Ten years ago, when American Born Chinese won the Printz Medal, it was an enormous turning point. Yesterday, a decade after that moment, the second graphic novel won the Printz award. Also yesterday, a graphic novel won the Sibert, the Belpre, the YALSA Nonfiction Award and the Coretta Scott King Award. There was even an Odyssey (audio book) honor for a graphic novel. In the last few years, both the Newbery and Caldecott committees have honored graphic novels. Now, there are almost no awards left that haven’t recognized a graphic novel. It’s a new world.
Small publishers
Yesterday was a big, big day for publishing houses that
don’t usually win. It was so joyful to hear names like Chronicle,
Charlesbridge, Abrams, Carolrhoda, Orca, Top Shelf Productions and Enchanted
Lion be announced.
The biggest story was the Newbery Medal. Workman Publishing
publishes terrific books, many of which you’ve probably heard of. But they only
recently started published middle grade books and they never show up on the
award lists. To see them carry off the biggest prize of the day was an
absolutely incredible thing. I can’t begin to imagine what it means to the
Fathers and sons
Javaka Steptoe, who won the Caldecott and Coretta Scott King
Medals yesterday, is the son of two-time Caldecott honor and Coretta Scott King
recipient John Steptoe. John Steptoe died in 1989 but wouldn’t it be wonderful
if he could find out what his son accomplished yesterday.
Prior to this, the one that has always impressed me was the Fleischmans. Sid Fleischman won the Newbery Medal in 1987, and then a mere 2 years later in 1989
his son Paul Fleischman won the Newbery Medal. What an amazing thing.
Popular authors
Bestselling and popular authors rarely win awards. It was so
lovely to see Rick Riordan and Sarah Dessen get recognition yesterday.
Jason Reynolds
This talented new writer is gathering up hardware at an
incredibly rapid pace. Only two years ago (although it seems like it’s been much
longer), he was a debut author and won the John Steptoe Award for New Talent.
Last year he won two Coretta Scott King honors. Yesterday, he added the
Schneider Family Book Award, a Coretta Scott King honor and one of his
audiobooks won an Odyssey honor.
I think he’s trying to collect
the whole Youth Media Awards set.
Ashley Bryan
Speaking of collecting the whole
The nonagenarian took home one
of the big prizes yesterday, a Newbery honor. He also picked up two additional
Coretta Scott King Award honors, one for writing and one for illustration. For
anyone keeping score at home, Ashley Bryan has also won the Wilder Medal, the
Virginia Hamilton Award, the Arbuthnot, two Coretta Scott King Awards and seven
CSK honors.
It’s worth noting that both Ashley Bryan and Jason Reynolds
have the same editor, Caitlyn Dlouhy of Atheneum,
an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
For all the hubbub last year over a picture book winning the
Newbery Medal, it seems to be passing unnoticed that a poetry picture book won
a Newbery Honor yesterday.
Elephant and Piggie
The Geisel
domination of Elephant and Piggie isn’t quite over, even though the series is. We
Are Growing! A Mo Willems’ Elephant and Piggie Like Reading! book carried the
day. The beloved pink and grey folks only make a cameo in this one, but it
looks like their Geisel reign has not come to an end.
A picture book biography won the Caldecott for the second
year in a row, but it doesn’t happen very often. Only a handful of non-fiction
books have won the Caldecott, so it is still a big event.
Also, for only the second time, the same book won both the
Sibert Medal (up to age 14) and the YALSA Nonfiction Award (ages 12-18). I
think it’s an enormous thing that both nonfiction committees judged March 3 the
best book of all their submissions, despite having different age requirements.
Your reactions
What did you think? I would love to hear your thoughts. Did I miss something exciting or unprecedented that happened? Tell me in the comments.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Demystifying the phone calls
One of the exciting things about the ALA Youth Media Awards (including the Newbery and Caldecott Medals) is that after the winners have been decided, the committees pick up the phone and actually call the winners. These calls have long fascinated me and I’ve asked every honoree I’ve ever met what their phone call story is. Often, these stories are part of award acceptance speeches or featured in press interviews.
After hearing so many of these wonderful stories, one detail has emerged over and over. The people getting these calls really have no idea what to expect. They’ve heard rumors and they all think they know what time the call will happen, but the reality turns out very different.
Here’s a little information about the phone calls, in case you're wondering what they are like or are hoping to receive one.
After hearing so many of these wonderful stories, one detail has emerged over and over. The people getting these calls really have no idea what to expect. They’ve heard rumors and they all think they know what time the call will happen, but the reality turns out very different.
Here’s a little information about the phone calls, in case you're wondering what they are like or are hoping to receive one.
It's already over
If you are reading this post on Sunday, you can stop worrying about if they will pick your book. The decision has already been made. It needs to be made by Saturday night. On Sunday morning the committees work on the press release. On Sunday afternoon they keep their mouths shut while everyone asks them what won. On Sunday night they make a futile attempt to go to bed early to be up in time for the phone calls.
I hear so frequently that people expect calls at a specific time, and when the phone doesn't ring at that time, they think all is lost. Don't worry so much about the exact time. There's a lot going on the morning of the press conference. Maybe at the time you were expecting the phone to ring the committee is getting their press photo taken. Maybe another committee is using the phone. Maybe your voicemail picked up and they decided to try you again after they finished calling everyone else. If your phone is supposed to ring, it will ring.
The calls do not take your time zone into account
The press conference is typically at 8 am. So, let's say the committee you're hoping for makes their calls at 6:30 am. That's 6:30 am in whatever time zone the conference is being held. If the conference is on the east coast, and you are on the west coast, it is not out of the realm of possibility for you to get a call at 3:30 am. They call when they call.
Not all of the committees call on Monday morning
The Caldecott and Newbery committees call on Monday morning before the press conference, but committees like the Sibert, Geisel, Schneider, Wilder, etc. call Sunday afternoon or evening and sometimes even on Saturday. Different committees are on different schedules.
The caller ID might surprise you
If ALA Midwinter is happening in Boston, you might reasonably expect your phone to say Boston Convention Center when the call comes through. Maybe it will, maybe it won't. The calls my committee made, which were placed from a phone in the convention center, came up as "Unknown Caller." Sometimes committees call from cell phones, so your caller ID will read whatever state the person who owns the phone is from.
If you have an eligible book, answer your phone the whole weekend of Midwinter. Maybe you won't win a medal, but you might win a free cruise.
There are a lot of people on the phone
This is not an intimate chat. You are called by the chair of the committee, as the rest of the committee stands huddled around listening on speakerphone. The Newbery and Caldecott committees are each composed of 15 people; the other committees are smaller.
The calls are short
They tell you your book won or received an honor, listen to your wonderful reaction, congratulate you and then it’s time for them to call the next person. It’s not a half hour chat with the committee.
You get a call for each award
If your book wins a Geisel and a Coretta Scott King Award and a Caldecott (or an honor) expect three phone calls. Each committee works separately and doesn’t talk to the other committees. The committee calling you has no idea what other awards your book may have received until they find out at the press conference with everyone else.
There are a lot of people on the phone
This is not an intimate chat. You are called by the chair of the committee, as the rest of the committee stands huddled around listening on speakerphone. The Newbery and Caldecott committees are each composed of 15 people; the other committees are smaller.
The calls are short
They tell you your book won or received an honor, listen to your wonderful reaction, congratulate you and then it’s time for them to call the next person. It’s not a half hour chat with the committee.
You get a call for each award
If your book wins a Geisel and a Coretta Scott King Award and a Caldecott (or an honor) expect three phone calls. Each committee works separately and doesn’t talk to the other committees. The committee calling you has no idea what other awards your book may have received until they find out at the press conference with everyone else.
The calls happen according to a script
Your part of the call and what you say is spontaneous, but what's happening on the other end of the line isn't. The chair of the committee is reading from a script. If you ask a question such as who else won or who you can tell, the chair reads the answer from the Q and A section of the script. That being said, the emotion coming from the committee is very real and genuine and shines through.
Here’s a glimpse at the phone calls I was lucky enough to be a part of in February 2015.
The other end of the phone
For me, this was one of the most magical parts of being on the committee. The committee I was on chose a record setting six honors, which meant that including the winner, we got to make seven phone calls. After a few calls, I felt like we were calling everyone in the world to tell them they had won a Caldecott Honor.
I later found out what was going on at the recipient’s ends of the phones- who was sound asleep, who had recently moved, who was on vacation, etc. but that morning those calls were about spreading pure joy. Being able to tell this enormous piece of good news to each person who picked up the phone was incredible and unforgettable.
The calls are just wonderful. If your phone rings, enjoy every second. And if it doesn’t ring, read this.
Here’s a glimpse at the phone calls I was lucky enough to be a part of in February 2015.
The other end of the phone
For me, this was one of the most magical parts of being on the committee. The committee I was on chose a record setting six honors, which meant that including the winner, we got to make seven phone calls. After a few calls, I felt like we were calling everyone in the world to tell them they had won a Caldecott Honor.
I later found out what was going on at the recipient’s ends of the phones- who was sound asleep, who had recently moved, who was on vacation, etc. but that morning those calls were about spreading pure joy. Being able to tell this enormous piece of good news to each person who picked up the phone was incredible and unforgettable.
The calls are just wonderful. If your phone rings, enjoy every second. And if it doesn’t ring, read this.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
The Room Where the Caldecott Happens
I saw Hamilton on Broadway without knowing a note of the music. When the song The Room Where It Happens started, I was so surprised. How could Lin Manuel Miranda have written a song just for me?
For over a decade, I have always talked about wanting to be in the room for the Caldecott Medal.
Now that I’ve been there, I know that actually, it’s a lot of rooms.
The room where you decide to run for election to the committee or fill out your volunteer form.
The room where you see your name on the ballot.
The room where you find out you’re finally, at long last, on the committee.
The room where you meet all the other committee members for the first time.
The room where boxes and boxes of books pile up that you are expected to read all of.
The room you sit in by yourself, reading book after book, again and again and again. Prepare to spend a long time in this room.
The room where you have dinner with your committee the night before the discussion starts and the camaraderie and excitement is electric in the air.
The room where you talk and talk and talk and talk until a winner emerges.
The room in your hotel the night before the announcements where you wonder what the rest of the world will think about your committee’s decisions.
The room in the press room that your whole committee jams into while you call the winners and honorees and change their lives.
The room filled with your colleagues from around the country as your winners are announced and cheers and gasps are heard.
The room where you triumphantly stand with your committee and the publisher and put the golden sticker on your book together.
The room where you have breakfast with your committee, each one of them now lifelong friends and say goodbye after one of the most intense weekends of your life.
The room where see what your committee did written about in The New York Times and you cry because you never knew you would be involved with something so important.
The room where you read your own child the winning book for the first time.
The room at the Mock Caldecott filled with children you’ve been teaching about the medal, where you get to proudly read them your winning books.
The room at a nice restaurant where you meet your winner and hear what the medal truly means to them. Bring tissues to this room.
The room where the committees and honorees gather before the banquet and you talk and hug as if you’ve known each other all your lives.
The room where your winner gives a beautiful speech in front of a thousand people and thanks your committee.
The room you sit in now, working on the next project and the next award, surrounded by artwork from those special books and pictures of those special people.
If you are a member of an awards committee- I hope you enjoy all the rooms coming your way this week. It’s an unforgettable ride.
For over a decade, I have always talked about wanting to be in the room for the Caldecott Medal.
Now that I’ve been there, I know that actually, it’s a lot of rooms.
The room where you decide to run for election to the committee or fill out your volunteer form.
The room where you see your name on the ballot.
The room where you find out you’re finally, at long last, on the committee.
The room where you meet all the other committee members for the first time.
The room where boxes and boxes of books pile up that you are expected to read all of.
The room you sit in by yourself, reading book after book, again and again and again. Prepare to spend a long time in this room.
The room where you have dinner with your committee the night before the discussion starts and the camaraderie and excitement is electric in the air.
The room where you talk and talk and talk and talk until a winner emerges.
The room in your hotel the night before the announcements where you wonder what the rest of the world will think about your committee’s decisions.
The room in the press room that your whole committee jams into while you call the winners and honorees and change their lives.
The room filled with your colleagues from around the country as your winners are announced and cheers and gasps are heard.
The room where you have breakfast with your committee, each one of them now lifelong friends and say goodbye after one of the most intense weekends of your life.
The room where see what your committee did written about in The New York Times and you cry because you never knew you would be involved with something so important.
The room where you read your own child the winning book for the first time.
The room at the Mock Caldecott filled with children you’ve been teaching about the medal, where you get to proudly read them your winning books.
The room at a nice restaurant where you meet your winner and hear what the medal truly means to them. Bring tissues to this room.
The room where the committees and honorees gather before the banquet and you talk and hug as if you’ve known each other all your lives.
The room where your winner gives a beautiful speech in front of a thousand people and thanks your committee.
The room you sit in now, working on the next project and the next award, surrounded by artwork from those special books and pictures of those special people.
If you are a member of an awards committee- I hope you enjoy all the rooms coming your way this week. It’s an unforgettable ride.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Press conference reaction
I have been lucky enough to attend the press conference for several years where the winners of the Caldecott, Newbery and all the other Youth Media Awards are announced. It happens on the Monday of the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting, very early in the morning. In case you haven’t been I thought I’d tell you a bit about what goes on at this exciting event.
ALA has a live webcast which people tune into from all over the country. The camera angle is fixed on the presenters that announce the awards and if you are watching at home, you can’t see what is going on in the crowd. So much is going on. There are standing ovations. There are gasps. Committees honor their winning books with creative props- for example the Caldecott committee for Locomotive all blew train whistles.
I have tried many times to take pictures but have never been able to accurately capture the size of the crowd and the level of excitement. This event is usually the one time of year that I really use Twitter- in an effort to convey what is happening in this most exciting of rooms. The reactions are fantastic and I find they really vary from year to year and book to book.
Here's a few different kinds of reactions I've noticed over the years:
Happy applause
It's like when a baby is screaming and you don't really notice, unless it's your baby and then the sound rings in your ears. I have been to several press conferences where there have been gasps. I'm sure I've been among the gaspers. But when the gasp was for MY committee and the choices we made.... well, I will forever remember that sound. "The Caldecott committee has chosen six honors." GASP.
Thank goodness, they got it right
This was the year of The Lion and the Mouse. To me, it felt like the whole room tensed up every time an honor was announced. Honors are always announced first, and as happy you might be when you hear them, it means that a book declared an honor has also lost the medal. When the medal was finally announced (there were only two honors that year, but I swear it felt like an eternity) I thought the crowd would rush the stage if anything but the words "The Lion and Mouse" came out of the announcer's mouth. When the right words were finally spoken, I felt as though a sigh of relief settled around the room.
The single shout
A brave soul jumps up and screams with joy. This isn't a full standing ovation- just a single ovation. I'm always impressed with these. Anyone who jumps up, by themselves, in a room of over a thousand people, REALLY loves a book.
Awkward pause
Yes, this happens. "And the Newbery Medal goes to _______." And then not a sound in the room. Awkward.
Actually, what is really going on is this. NOBODY HAS HEARD OF THE BOOK. They don't hate it... they just don't know it. This happens for books that come out late in the year, usually by first time authors and have no buzz. (cough, Moon Over Manifest, cough). And then, everyone turns to each other and says, "WHAT just won the Newbery?? Did anyone hear the title?”
Late realization
This happens a lot. A winner is applauded and celebrated, and only after that award is over does the crowd realizes the highly predicted book that didn’t win. “Wait, if The One and Only Ivan won, that means Wonder lost.” And then "Why did Wonder lose?” makes for a great post-awards announcement breakfast conversation.
I'm screaming too loudly to notice
That was this past year. I was so thrilled that Finding Winnie won, which I thought was a brilliant and beautiful book, that I was standing up, yelling and applauding with my hands over my head. The Caldecott committee could have brought in a live bear cub and done a dance with it and I wouldn't have paid any attention.
It was also my reaction the year of The Invention of Hugo Cabret, which was the last year I watched on the computer, instead of in person. I screamed so loudly and for so long that I had no idea that Hugo received historic applause until I went back and watched it again later in the day. I completely missed that anyone else but me was cheering.
If you have the chance to attend the press conference, I have some advice for you.
1. Get there very early- a long line develops well before the doors open.
2. Sit as close to the front as possible. You can’t sit too close, because many of the front seats are reserved for award committees, but if you arrive early you should have no problem.
3. There is no need to write down the names of the award winning books. Press releases and copies of ALA’s newspaper Cognotes with pictues of the winners are always handed out when you exit the press conference.
4. A few days before, make reservations at a restaurant for breakfast following the press conference. Almost everyone goes from the press conference to breakfast, and it always overwhelms the nearby restaurants. A reservation (with some friends to discuss the results) can be a lifesaver. Trust me on this one.
Have you ever been to the press conference? What did you think? What was your reaction?
ALA has a live webcast which people tune into from all over the country. The camera angle is fixed on the presenters that announce the awards and if you are watching at home, you can’t see what is going on in the crowd. So much is going on. There are standing ovations. There are gasps. Committees honor their winning books with creative props- for example the Caldecott committee for Locomotive all blew train whistles.
I have tried many times to take pictures but have never been able to accurately capture the size of the crowd and the level of excitement. This event is usually the one time of year that I really use Twitter- in an effort to convey what is happening in this most exciting of rooms. The reactions are fantastic and I find they really vary from year to year and book to book.
Here's a few different kinds of reactions I've noticed over the years:
Happy applause
This is normal. The typical reaction. Lots of nice, upbeat applause. Often accompanied by whoops and cheers. You can judge how happy the crowd is about the book by the length of the applause. If it keeps going through the announcement of the title, the illustrator, the author, the publisher and the brief book description- you know the winner is a really big deal.
The gasp
Gasps are more likely to occur when records are set or surprisingly procedural events happen and not for specific books. "The committee chose not to give an award in this category this year." GASP.The gasp
It's like when a baby is screaming and you don't really notice, unless it's your baby and then the sound rings in your ears. I have been to several press conferences where there have been gasps. I'm sure I've been among the gaspers. But when the gasp was for MY committee and the choices we made.... well, I will forever remember that sound. "The Caldecott committee has chosen six honors." GASP.
Thank goodness, they got it right
This was the year of The Lion and the Mouse. To me, it felt like the whole room tensed up every time an honor was announced. Honors are always announced first, and as happy you might be when you hear them, it means that a book declared an honor has also lost the medal. When the medal was finally announced (there were only two honors that year, but I swear it felt like an eternity) I thought the crowd would rush the stage if anything but the words "The Lion and Mouse" came out of the announcer's mouth. When the right words were finally spoken, I felt as though a sigh of relief settled around the room.
The single shout
A brave soul jumps up and screams with joy. This isn't a full standing ovation- just a single ovation. I'm always impressed with these. Anyone who jumps up, by themselves, in a room of over a thousand people, REALLY loves a book.
Awkward pause
This means, "are you sure? Did the announcer really say what we all just think they said?" This is when a book is well known but out of the buzz and unanticipated as the winner. A brief moment of “Really? That's the winner?" And then, "Hey, THAT'S the winner!" Then followed by normal applause.
Dead silenceYes, this happens. "And the Newbery Medal goes to _______." And then not a sound in the room. Awkward.
Actually, what is really going on is this. NOBODY HAS HEARD OF THE BOOK. They don't hate it... they just don't know it. This happens for books that come out late in the year, usually by first time authors and have no buzz. (cough, Moon Over Manifest, cough). And then, everyone turns to each other and says, "WHAT just won the Newbery?? Did anyone hear the title?”
Late realization
This happens a lot. A winner is applauded and celebrated, and only after that award is over does the crowd realizes the highly predicted book that didn’t win. “Wait, if The One and Only Ivan won, that means Wonder lost.” And then "Why did Wonder lose?” makes for a great post-awards announcement breakfast conversation.
I'm screaming too loudly to notice
That was this past year. I was so thrilled that Finding Winnie won, which I thought was a brilliant and beautiful book, that I was standing up, yelling and applauding with my hands over my head. The Caldecott committee could have brought in a live bear cub and done a dance with it and I wouldn't have paid any attention.
It was also my reaction the year of The Invention of Hugo Cabret, which was the last year I watched on the computer, instead of in person. I screamed so loudly and for so long that I had no idea that Hugo received historic applause until I went back and watched it again later in the day. I completely missed that anyone else but me was cheering.
If you have the chance to attend the press conference, I have some advice for you.
1. Get there very early- a long line develops well before the doors open.
2. Sit as close to the front as possible. You can’t sit too close, because many of the front seats are reserved for award committees, but if you arrive early you should have no problem.
3. There is no need to write down the names of the award winning books. Press releases and copies of ALA’s newspaper Cognotes with pictues of the winners are always handed out when you exit the press conference.
4. A few days before, make reservations at a restaurant for breakfast following the press conference. Almost everyone goes from the press conference to breakfast, and it always overwhelms the nearby restaurants. A reservation (with some friends to discuss the results) can be a lifesaver. Trust me on this one.
Have you ever been to the press conference? What did you think? What was your reaction?
American Library Association,
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Forever and always: Newbery and Caldecott confidentiality
members of the Newbery and Caldecott committees serve with the understanding
that they may never tell what happened during the deliberations.
However, there
has been a recent conversation about whether there should be a statute of limitations on confidentiality. Should
committee members be allowed to tell part or all of what happened in the
discussions? Should there be a period of years after which the records can
open? This month’s edition of School Library Journal has three wonderful articles about the issue.
I am
fascinated by this conversation. Riveted. And here’s the crazy thing.
I agree with all three points of view.
I agree with K.T. Horning that there is an amazing
potential for researchers. I don’t want to know who said what, but I would love
to know the larger issues. How did those brave committees who bucked trends do
it? How did they come to consensus? What was the thought process in the room
when The Invention of Hugo Cabret or A Visit to William Blake’s Inn
won? And once and for all, wouldn’t it be wonderful to find out why The Secret
of the Andes beat Charlotte’s Web?
Forever is a
long time not to know.
I agree with Ed Spicer that it would be freeing to tell
everything. It would be marvelous to tell a creator that just because their
book wasn’t honored doesn’t mean it wasn’t under consideration, that no one
loved it or fought for it. It doesn’t mean it isn’t a great work of art.
Former committee members can’t answer questions about why a particular book
did or didn’t make the final cut for the rest of their lives. And
when questions arise about unusual choices committees make, it is a long time
not to be able to defend yourself.
Forever is a
long time to keep a secret.
I agree with Dan Santat that it can be better not to know.
The magic is preserved. Do we really want to know that a classic book
barely squeaked by? Do we want to know all the reasons those fifteen people in
that room rejected one book and anointed another? Do we want to know which book
lost by a small margin? Do we want the creators to be concerned about all their
decisions and choices when they create their next book?
Forever is a
long time to doubt yourself.
There’s an
additional issue for me. If we lifted the veil, what would we reveal,
especially for the recent committees? The process is so secret that ballots are
destroyed and official notes aren’t kept. If we opened the files for recent
pivotal years, would we find the answers we’re looking for?
Ideally, I
would love an oral history interview project or written accounts from each of
the fifteen people in the room- in case the veil does lift sometime in the
future. If there is a commitment to revealing information at some point, the
sooner we start recording it, the better, before everyone who was in the room
forgets the finer details.
The year I was on the Caldecott committee, one of our committee members gave us all lovely blue scarves, which we wore during the deliberations and announcement. I felt that every time I saw a blue-scarfed person that weekend, I was seeing a true friend. Each blue scarf represented one of the fourteen other people in the room. They were the fourteen safe places in tag, the fourteen people I could talk to about what really happened- not what everyone on the outside thought happened. They still are- those fourteen special people who are forever keeping the same secrets I am.
The year I was on the Caldecott committee, one of our committee members gave us all lovely blue scarves, which we wore during the deliberations and announcement. I felt that every time I saw a blue-scarfed person that weekend, I was seeing a true friend. Each blue scarf represented one of the fourteen other people in the room. They were the fourteen safe places in tag, the fourteen people I could talk to about what really happened- not what everyone on the outside thought happened. They still are- those fourteen special people who are forever keeping the same secrets I am.
I am on
another award committee where part of the process shortly before the awards
ceremony at the annual conference includes committee members telling why
certain books lost. After the secrecy of an ALA committee- this openness feels
strange to me. I find it really challenging to tell a room full of people what
I think. I feel paranoid that someone is audio recording the session and
I’ll be thrown off the committee for revealing secrets.
Having being
on several award committees, I can tell you that after a while what you say in
the room, in the e-mail chat or on the conference call stops mattering. The
committee voted and the committee as a group made a choice- and it is now your
job to promote that book and that award.
I was one of
the fifteen people in the room the year The Adventures of Beekle by Dan
Santat won the Caldecott Medal. It’s my book. It doesn’t matter what was
said in the room. It doesn’t matter what the vote tallies were. Seeing the
Caldecott Medal on the cover will always make me smile. Reading it to a child
who hasn’t heard it yet will always make me choke up. I will always get goose
bumps on the last line. It will always be my book.
What are your
American Library Association,
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony
Several years ago, I tuned into the Tony awards telecast
eager to find out whether Ragtime was going to beat The Lion King.
(It didn't.) I made my new boyfriend watch the whole thing with me, even though
he didn't care at all about the results. The next day at his work, his
colleagues were talking at lunch about what they had watched on television
the night before. "Anyone watch the World Cup?" someone asked.
Several people had. "How about the NBA playoffs?" Again, a lot of
murmurs of agreement. My boyfriend said, "Hey, did anyone watch the
Tonys?" Dead silence.
I've always loved that story because I think it's a fairly good
representation of the Tonys in popular culture. They have a very limited
audience- you have to physically go to New York and see the original
productions. You really can't tell who is going to win Best Choreography
if you listen to the cast album. This is completely different from the
Oscars, because you can see the nominated movies anywhere.
Also, that boyfriend is now my husband, and I still make him
watch the Tonys with me every year.
This year, I'm particularly excited to find out how Hamilton will
do at the Tonys. Let's start with this question: How many Tonys can Hamilton
actually win?
It's eligible for the following 13 categories:
1. Best Musical
2. Best Book of a Musical
3. Best Original Score
(These three categories can only be won by new musicals).
4. Best Orchestration
5. Best Direction of a Musical
6. Best Choreography
7. Best Scenic Design of a Musical
8. Best Costume Design of a Musical
9. Best Lighting Design of a Musical
10. Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical
11. Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical
12. Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical
13. Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a
(These ten categories can be won by either new musicals
or revivals- which means the field is much larger for these awards.)
The current record is held by The Producers, which
won 12 Tonys and was nominated for 15. The Producers won
every single category for which it was nominated, which is a rather
incredible acheivement. The three nominations that The Producers didn't
win were in the acting categories because multiple actors from the show were
nominated for the same category. The one category it didn't win, is also the
only one it wasn't nominated for: Leading Actress.
The Tony Administration committee has ruled on
eligibility for certain parts in Hamilton, and whether they
belong in the Lead or Featured Actor categories. Lin-Manuel Miranda, Leslie
Odom, Jr. and Phillipa Soo will all be considered in the Lead categories.
If Hamilton gets nominated in all thirteen categories- then it is within striking distance to go for the record. The
Producers only had three eligible performer categories, but with the
decision to put Phillipa Soo as a Leading Actress, Hamilton now has all
four performer categories available.
Also, don't be surprised if it receives more than thirteen
nominations. Hamilton is likely going to have the same problem
as The Producers. If multiple actors get nominated in the same category
(which I would expect), it won't be possible for Hamilton to
win all of its nominations.
How many possible Tonys could Lin-Manuel Miranda personally go
home with? If he was nominated for every available category and
he won all of them, I see four Tonys on the list above that could wind up
on his mantel. Best Book of a Musical, Best Original Score, Best
Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical and Best Orchestrations (which
he collaborated on). The award for Best Musical is given to the producers- and
he didn't produce the show. But the possibility of seeing the same person win the composing and writing award and an acting award and an arrangement award- that is incredibly exciting.
I have an image in my head from when Norah Jones won so many Grammys
in the same night that she could barely hold them all. I keep thinking about this picture every time I
think about what a photo of Lin at the end of the Tonys might look like.
In The Heights was nominated was for 13
Tonys and won 4. Lin-Manuel Miranda was personally nominated for two: Best
Score (which he won) and Best Actor (which he lost). (As a footnote, I'll
mention that In the Heights was also nominated for Best Sound
Design, a category that no longer exists.) But Hamilton is a
whole different ball game. It's a hit, it's a hit, it's a palpable hit. A crazy
lottery, standing room only, sold out forever hit. A show doesn't have to be a
monster hit like Hamilton to win Tonys, but it doesn't
For me, a lot of the drama is going to be in the Actor
categories. Ignoring the other shows for a moment- if it was a match-up between
just Lin-Manuel Miranda (Hamilton) and Leslie Odom, Jr. (Burr)-
who would win? (Oh, the irony, given that the show itself is a match-up between Hamilton and Burr.) Common sense probably tells us Lin, but I have to say that
Leslie was show-stoppingly phenomenal.
What about the Featured Actors? The
ensemble work was all exceptional and it is difficult to rank one above
another. If I absolutely had to, I would say Daveed Diggs (Lafayette/Jefferson)
and Chris Jackson (Washington) were the true standouts. So was Jonathan Groff
(King George III), even through he was only on stage for a few moments.
Okieriete Onaodowan (Mulligan/Madison) was also terrific, but there may not be
enough room in the nominations.
On the actress side, both Phillipa Soo (Eliza) and Renee Elise
Goldsberry (Angelica) were outstanding, so I'm glad they won't have any other
competition in their categories from others within the show. There's a small possibility that Jasmine Cephas Jones
(Peggy/Maria Reynolds) will get nominated as a Featured Actress, but I think her part is probably too small.
We can't ignore those other shows forever. Here's a list
of eligible new shows that will be vying very hard not to be shut out.
The Tony nominations will be announced on Tuesday, May 3 and the
Tony Awards will be on Sunday, June 12.
Wait for it.
Monday, April 4, 2016
We're There
I read hundreds of new picture books every year. Some are dreadful. Most are good. A few are great. And occasionally, a very special book makes you want to grab people on the street and tell them about the amazing new book you just read.
Like this one.
Are We There Yet? by Dan Santat accomplishes so much between the covers of a picture book.
It's daring, dynamic and filled with a multitude of meanings. The art blends several styles simultaneously. The colors are bold, brilliant and constantly surprising. It's beautiful, fun, silly, and touching all at the same time.
The constant change from gorgeous full page spreads to small graphic novel panels is arresting. The devices used to keep the reader going in the right direction are creative and well-employed. It's very fun to hand this book to other people and watch the book turn around and around as they figure out how to read it for the first time.
And the details! How I love all the tiny, little creative details hidden in nearly every page. The color contrasts. The facial expressions. The endpapers. The outfits the parents wear. What is hidden underneath the dust jacket. On and on and on. Every time I read it, I find so many more fantastic details.
Try reading this one aloud. There's so much brilliance in the text. The overarching words about the road and where life may lead you could almost be taken out and read separately from the pictures and still be poignant. And the speech bubbles are in the language that children speak and are funny on another level.
I don't want to call it a follow-up to Beekle, because I don't want to compare the two books at all. It feels like every time a successful author has a new book, it is inevitably compared to their past achievements. I thought it might be refreshing to talk about the new book without the comparisons.
Disclaimer: I've probably read and studied Beekle far more than the average bear (or human) since I was a member of the committee that awarded Beekle the Caldecott Medal, so truly, this isn't about a lack of familiarity with Beekle.
Give this book a try. Take your time.
Like this one.
Are We There Yet? by Dan Santat accomplishes so much between the covers of a picture book.
It's daring, dynamic and filled with a multitude of meanings. The art blends several styles simultaneously. The colors are bold, brilliant and constantly surprising. It's beautiful, fun, silly, and touching all at the same time.
The constant change from gorgeous full page spreads to small graphic novel panels is arresting. The devices used to keep the reader going in the right direction are creative and well-employed. It's very fun to hand this book to other people and watch the book turn around and around as they figure out how to read it for the first time.
And the details! How I love all the tiny, little creative details hidden in nearly every page. The color contrasts. The facial expressions. The endpapers. The outfits the parents wear. What is hidden underneath the dust jacket. On and on and on. Every time I read it, I find so many more fantastic details.
Try reading this one aloud. There's so much brilliance in the text. The overarching words about the road and where life may lead you could almost be taken out and read separately from the pictures and still be poignant. And the speech bubbles are in the language that children speak and are funny on another level.
I don't want to call it a follow-up to Beekle, because I don't want to compare the two books at all. It feels like every time a successful author has a new book, it is inevitably compared to their past achievements. I thought it might be refreshing to talk about the new book without the comparisons.
Disclaimer: I've probably read and studied Beekle far more than the average bear (or human) since I was a member of the committee that awarded Beekle the Caldecott Medal, so truly, this isn't about a lack of familiarity with Beekle.
Give this book a try. Take your time.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

What does the list of shows below have in common?
2010: Next to Normal
1996: Rent
1985: Sunday in the Park with George
1976: A Chorus Line
1962: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
1960: Fiorello!
1950: South Pacific
1932: Of Thee I Sing
They represent the eight times the Pulitzer Prize in Drama has been awarded to a musical instead of to a play. It doesn't happen often, but it happens.... roughly about once a decade.
As the awards for Hamilton start to pile up, and with the 100th class of Pulitzer Prize winners being announced on April 18, I think it's time to start talking about the possibility of not just Tonys for Hamilton, but a Pulitzer.
The writing of Hamilton stands out from the writing so many plays and musicals. But unless you're in the room where it happens, and have done all the work the judges have, it's really hard to make predictions. So, no hard feelings, Pulitzer folks, if it doesn't happen- but I won't be surprised if the list above becomes a list of nine.
2016: Hamilton
There are now nine musicals in the club. Nine! I knew it.
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
A librarian is a librarian is a librarian
There are all kinds of librarians.
There are librarians who work for the government. For the military. For businesses. For colleges. For religious institutions.
There are law librarians. Music librarians. Art librarians. Film librarians. Medical librarians.
There are those who work in cataloging. Technical services. Circulation. Shelving. Reference. Archivists. Interlibrary loan. Library accessibility.
And many, many more types of libraries and library career paths.
And yet, whenever I'm at a conference, talking with a vendor or someone who has just found out that I'm a librarian, I always get asked the same question: "School or public?"
When I answer that I'm neither, that I am in fact, a synagogue librarian, I get a look as if I've said I'm a librarian on the planet Neptune.
I'm used to explaining what I do over and over and over (and if you'd like to know, you can read more about a typical day in my library here.) But here's when it gets frustrating. When I see awards or grants limited to certain kinds of libraries or librarians and restricted to others. I wish that me, my patrons and my library were eligible just like all the other libraries and librarians out there.
I value all kinds of libraries, librarians and library employees. I hope you do too.
There are librarians who work for the government. For the military. For businesses. For colleges. For religious institutions.
There are law librarians. Music librarians. Art librarians. Film librarians. Medical librarians.
There are those who work in cataloging. Technical services. Circulation. Shelving. Reference. Archivists. Interlibrary loan. Library accessibility.
And many, many more types of libraries and library career paths.
And yet, whenever I'm at a conference, talking with a vendor or someone who has just found out that I'm a librarian, I always get asked the same question: "School or public?"
When I answer that I'm neither, that I am in fact, a synagogue librarian, I get a look as if I've said I'm a librarian on the planet Neptune.
I'm used to explaining what I do over and over and over (and if you'd like to know, you can read more about a typical day in my library here.) But here's when it gets frustrating. When I see awards or grants limited to certain kinds of libraries or librarians and restricted to others. I wish that me, my patrons and my library were eligible just like all the other libraries and librarians out there.
I value all kinds of libraries, librarians and library employees. I hope you do too.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
The Importance of Being a Mentor
The first time I attended an American Library Association (ALA) Annual conference I was completely overwhelmed. Which sessions should I attend? How was I going to fit everything into one weekend? How would I make any sense of this enormous association? I was attending graduate school at the time, didn't know anyone, and didn't know where to start.
I applied to the New Member Round Table (NMRT) conference mentor program and was matched with a librarian named Kris Springer. Kris met me on the first day of ALA Annual, at an incredibly early hour of the day, and explained to me how to navigate both the conference and the association. She told me about her experience on the Newbery Medal committee, and told me that I could one day be on a committee at that level. I got goosebumps and thought she was crazy. She helped me when I needed it and stayed in touch through the years.
It's now ten years after that first conference. I've been a conference mentor and a career mentor as much I've can. Sometimes officially through NMRT and sometimes unofficially when someone is at the start of their career and has questions. I've met with people I'm mentoring at conferences when I've had a loose schedule, and conferences where I've barely had a minute of free time. It's a priority to me and one of the most rewarding things I've done in my profession.
At the ALA Midwinter convention last month, I was so proud of all these wonderful librarians and so honored to have the privilege to watch how far they've come.
For me, the most emotional moment was watching Amy Forrester. I met Amy several years ago when she was in library school and attending her first ALA Annual conference. I told her the things one usually tells a first time attendee; how to take the shuttle bus and to listen to all those people who tell you to wear comfortable shoes. Over the years, I watched her become a confident and skilled children's librarian. I was overjoyed when she was appointed to the 2016 Geisel Committee. It was really overwhelming for me watching the Geisel committee, which she was a part of, announce their choices to the world at the press conference. I am so proud that she and her committee recognized outstanding books for beginning readers and may have changed the lives of some of the creators and readers of those books. I wish you could have heard me cheering.
Thank you, Kris, for getting up so early a decade ago; for your advice and for the advice of all the other mentors who have helped me out. Thank you to all the people I've mentored- for being such wonderful professionals who I'm so proud of, for all I have learned from you, and for some inexplicable reason, listening to my advice.
I never realized that anything I was saying was helpful until I read this incredibly touching post from Amy Steinbauer. Thank you, Amy, for letting me know that I'm making a tiny difference. I'm looking forward to great things from you!
I hope this post inspires you to mentor someone in your profession. Whether officially and through an association, or by simply having lunch with someone new to the field, listening to their experiences and trying to answer their questions.
To all those children's and young adult librarians I have mentored, I look forward to the day when I get to watch your Newbery, Caldecott or Printz committees reveal their choices. I'll be cheering loudest!
I applied to the New Member Round Table (NMRT) conference mentor program and was matched with a librarian named Kris Springer. Kris met me on the first day of ALA Annual, at an incredibly early hour of the day, and explained to me how to navigate both the conference and the association. She told me about her experience on the Newbery Medal committee, and told me that I could one day be on a committee at that level. I got goosebumps and thought she was crazy. She helped me when I needed it and stayed in touch through the years.
It's now ten years after that first conference. I've been a conference mentor and a career mentor as much I've can. Sometimes officially through NMRT and sometimes unofficially when someone is at the start of their career and has questions. I've met with people I'm mentoring at conferences when I've had a loose schedule, and conferences where I've barely had a minute of free time. It's a priority to me and one of the most rewarding things I've done in my profession.
At the ALA Midwinter convention last month, I was so proud of all these wonderful librarians and so honored to have the privilege to watch how far they've come.
Thank you, Kris, for getting up so early a decade ago; for your advice and for the advice of all the other mentors who have helped me out. Thank you to all the people I've mentored- for being such wonderful professionals who I'm so proud of, for all I have learned from you, and for some inexplicable reason, listening to my advice.
I never realized that anything I was saying was helpful until I read this incredibly touching post from Amy Steinbauer. Thank you, Amy, for letting me know that I'm making a tiny difference. I'm looking forward to great things from you!
I hope this post inspires you to mentor someone in your profession. Whether officially and through an association, or by simply having lunch with someone new to the field, listening to their experiences and trying to answer their questions.
To all those children's and young adult librarians I have mentored, I look forward to the day when I get to watch your Newbery, Caldecott or Printz committees reveal their choices. I'll be cheering loudest!
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